I’m Shari and it’s fantastic to meet you!

It’s great to meet you here, so welcome to Teenage Survival Coach!

Quite simply, I consider myself to be a normal, everyday, part-time-working Mum-of-3 with with a big mission to help others. I’m especially skilled in helping parents of teens deal with the day-to-day angst of the tweens to twenty time.

I’ll never pretend to have the perfect family, or all the answers, and I’m not a self-declared guru. I’ve been married, divorced, then re-partnered and I work hard to ensure I learn from my mistakes. I have 3 super children (1 primary school aged girl, 2 older boys), a wonderful partner and a pretty awesome life.

For almost 30 years now I’ve been working with adolescents… and some days it’s a tough gig, so I get where you’re coming from!

I began as a teacher of high school English and Mathematics. Over time, I’ve followed my passion for supporting the social development of teens … and working with families has played a big part in this. My job title has been “Behaviour Support Consultant”, but sometimes I forget to wear my badge and who likes labels anyway? Added to this, friends and acquaintances (yes sometimes strangers on the train too) often ask my advice on family, parenting and the meaning of life. I’m sure they don’t mistakenly think I’ve got a Psychology PHD … not by any means … but they’ll tell me I’m sensible with level headed and helpful ideas. I think that’s a nice acknowledgement.

Helping parents of teens is the Teenage Survival Coach mission!
My greatest professional satisfaction comes from working with young people and their families to repair strained relationships. Of course being a Mum of 2 lads who’ve just gone through the teen stage means I certainly appreciate the issues impacting upon adolescents and families today. I get it … because I live it too.

Currently I’m a registered, practicing teacher working part time with at-risk adolescents in a secondary school. I’m also a trained mediator and certified life coach … but it’s the ups-and-downs of living which has given me the biggest education and how I can help you most.

What I bring to the table…

While I don’t want to big-note myself and claim status as a “parenting expert”,  I think you should be reassured I’ve got the credentials to be help you when it comes to parenting a teenager:

  • Almost 30 years of hands-on experience working with adolescents and families in a range of school settings
  • Professional development and training in supporting and working with teenagers, families and their teachers. Topics have included Mental Health First Aid, Suicide Awareness and Prevention Training and Youth Justice Resolution Facilitation.
  • Tertiary recognised qualifications and current registration as a practicing teacher with Education Queensland
  • Ongoing research, reading and immersion in adolescent culture and families to support and enhance my understanding of parenting concepts and teenage behaviours
  • Publication of articles related to the parenting of teens across a number of online authority sites
  • Initiation and facilitation of parenting support programs which are successful and ongoing
  • A proven track record working with parents and adolescents in many varied situations

Helping parents of teens is my passion and I’m good at…

  • listening to concerns and frustrations without judging people. I understand what gets said, but also hear what isn’t … and often this is just as important
  • sharing information and resources with people – firstly to increase understanding and then streamline actions
  • helping people plan a pathway to something better, prioritise the steps and then move forward
  • understanding the culture of modern teens (ie what’s normal, what’s not) and recognising ways to support parents when the going gets tough

I love working with …

Families who are genuinely committed to improving communication and relationships. Parents who are willing to listen, learn and apply new strategies and techniques. I love working with families willing to invest in their future well-being.

I haven’t got time to work with …

Families not prepared to go the hard-yards. Parents who make excuse after excuse for their teen’s behaviour but refuse to take a stand. My offerings and services are reserved for families ready to take action.

Ultimately, I hope Teenage Survival Coach becomes a go-to place for all of the support and assistance you need to navigate your way through the jungle that is parenting a modern adolescent. There’ll be no text-book jargon here, just sound guidance and advice from someone who’s been there, done that, and keeps it real!

There are a number of ways I can support you

  • Explore the blog where I write about the real issues you face as the parent of a teenager
  • Book a Problem Solving Session to take action on what’s currently worrying you.

Want to have a chat?

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