Resources to support parents and teens…
When you need support… the smart thing to do is get it. There are a huge number or services available to help you and your family through the challenging adolescent years. Remember too, prevention is better than cure and maybe some of the material here might give you a head start!
I’ve gathered a collection of resources and I hope you find them useful during the journey of parenting your teenager. This page is a work in progress and more resources will be linked soon so check back often.
If you have suggestions for other links and information you’d like to see here, please get in touch!

Body Image and Health

Books Worth Reading

Great Websites

The following resources (contacts, materials or services) are in no way intended to replace professional help. The information presented here provides a suggested starting place and in no way infers any endorsement.
Please seek the services of a professional for your or your teen’s health and/or well being should it be needed.