Self-care for mums of teens is often overlooked. I mean let’s face it … days are busy, kids are demanding and once everyone else’s needs are taken care of, there’s little time left for you, mum.

Here in lies a potential problem though and that’s unless mum’s on top of her game, things at home can fall apart. And quickly.

It’s not selfish and it’s not lazy to need or crave down time. The whole family can … and does … benefit when you’re refreshed, energised and feeling good about life. To care well for others requires the carer to be well cared for in turn. But, most likely it’s left up to you, as a busy mum to source and manage your own self care.

So, do you make it a priority or is it something that always gets pushed to the bottom of the list?

Self care for mums of teens is a little different to the type of ‘time out’ you craved when your kids were toddlers. Possibly back then a trip to the loo in peace was all you ever wanted and were thrilled to occasionally get. If lucky.

Now with older kids, privacy in the bathroom is more likely to be a given so here’s five of my favourite simple self-care treats to recharge the batteries without breaking my bank.

Take charge of the remote

I love to spend some time unwinding in front of a TV show that I want to watch. Even better, I’ll have the volume set at a level comfortable for ME. I’ll pick the best seat in the lounge and banish all others for a short while and enjoy it. Uninterrupted.

Sneak an indulgent treat

Ok, so this may not be good for the waistline … but, hey, stuff it. It’s a treat to grab my favourite sweet  (or savoury … if you must) head somewhere quiet and love every, single mouthful of it without needing to share a crumb with anybody else. Selfish? Hmmm, maybe. But. So. Very. Good.

Buy some new underwear

It’s amazing how something as simple as a new pair of Reg Grundies can make me feel almost like a new woman. Please don’t have pity on me, but some new undies with un-stretched elastic and yet to gather holes is one simple way I show myself some care. Also, I find the neighbours are less likely to be offended by my clothesline. Win!

Coffee with the girls

I’ve friends I try to catch up with once a fortnight or so to have a cuppa and a chat? I find unwinding with a gal-pal is a great way to connect with life outside my head and household.

Pamper time – ahhhh, sighhhh

Not everyone can afford the luxury of regular salon beauty services, but pampering on a budget is something quite easily done at home. I just shoo everyone away so I’ve the house to yourself, then crank up the stereo playing my favourite tunes. Taking time to exfoliate, cleanse and moisturise without the pressure of rushing is relaxing – more so if there’s the time to apply a mask. A lick of nail polish and all’s good with the world again.

All of the above are simple and relatively inexpensive. They provide the chance for some quiet moments where my brain isn’t being assaulted by the loud (and sometimes whingey) needs and demands of others.

I’ve realised it’s important I make opportunities to recharge and I’m much better now at listening to my own signals … I can tell when I need to take time for self-care. Can you? Do you?

What do YOU do to relax and refresh in your world of busy?

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