The Teen Years Parenting Toolkit

….tips, tools and strategies for raising teens in today’s world!


A topic per day for 30 days delivered via a closed, private Facebook group. At only USD$1 a day, it’ll be the best investment you make during their adolescence.

Do you feel like you’re on the fast track towards craziness… or maybe already have reached there?

If you’ve said yes, those thoughts are perfectly normal… though it needn’t be as stressful as it currently is.

Look, there’s no doubt the world has changed since we were teens ourselves. The biology of adolescent angst isn’t all that different, but many of the issues and situations our kids are dealing with are foreign to us AND much more complex than our own experience.

So how much is it worth to you to learn more about raising a teen in today’s world? What kind of investment would you make to gain a better understanding of your teen and to have a toolkit of strategies to make parenting them easier?

How about USD$30 for 30 days worth of cut-to-the-chase information and easy-to-implement strategies? You’re in right?

Don’t wait any longer! The information and resources you need are almost at your fingertips. Read on to find out more and secure your spot! The 30 days will begin on Monday October 29, 2018 and you won’t want to miss the boat!

Is parenting your teen doing your head in?

QUESTION: What will I get out of this?

ANSWER:  This is a 30-Day collection of information, resources, tips and strategies for parents raising teens in today’s world.

QUESTION: How will it be delivered?

ANSWER: New content will be delivered daily for 30 days in a Private (closed) Facebook group. Participants will have access to the materials for a period 12 months, giving plenty of time to download resources and connect with one another.

QUESTION: How will it be presented?

ANSWER: You’ll get a range of videos, checklists, reports, interviews, and more. Each day there will cover a new topic and at least one new resource will be made available to add to your toolkit.

QUESTION: Why the low price?

ANSWER: There’s a few reasons really….

a] The price will rise to $297 AFTER the program is finalised and the materials will be packaged into an e-course

b] This is something for the many people crying out for help and support but cannot afford or do not have access to other services

c] I will be seeking feedback as we go along to make any refinements and improvements as you may suggest. This is an absolute win-win for everybody. Your feedback will help me make sure I am delivering content that provides parents with solid strategies and useful resources.

d] In my 30 years working with teens and their families, I have heard too many heartbreaking stories from parents desperate to connect and communicate with their child in a way relevant to teens today. This is my effort to help them with strategies and resources that really work.

QUESTION: What topics will be covered?

ANSWER: LOTS! Here’s just a few…

a] Understanding the teen angst
b] Embracing technology to connect with them
c] Fostering reciprocal respect
d] Strategies to keep talking
e] Discussions that aren’t lectures
e] Consequences over punishments
f] Holding family meetings
g] Managing risk taking behaviour
h] Steps to resolve conflict
i] When, where and how to seek professional help…… and of course there’s MUCH more!

QUESTION: How Long Will the Content Be Available?

ANSWER: 12 months from the completion of the program

QUESTION: What makes this course different from all the rest?

ANSWER:  There’s no Fluff. No Filler. Just stuff that you can use to build a better relationship with your teen no matter what your family set up is. And you get the opportunity to connect with parents just like YOU in a private and confidential closed Facebook group.

QUESTION: What is the expected outcome?

ANSWER: You will have knowledge, confidence and strategies when It comes to dealing with your teen in difficult times. I aim to transform the way you look at communicating with your your teen and give you some tools for building a relationship that will go the distance. Basically, I want to change your family’s life by sharing with you some of the most effective strategies and perspectives I have discovered in my almost 30 years working with teens and their families.

QUESTION: How do I join?

ANSWER: Apply NOW by following the 3 simple steps below!

Step 1.

Use PayPal to transfer USD$30

You don’t need to have a PayPal account as Credit Cards are accepted.

Step 2.

Once you’ve paid, send a request to join the closed and private group and let me know in Step 3.

Step 3.

Use this form to confirm you’ve paid and applied to join the group. I’ll add you ASAP!

I've sent my payment and requested to join.

4 + 1 =

This group will be closing it's doors soon. Sign up now so you don't miss out!








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